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Implementing Dynamic Flexible Fields (flexfields) in Oracle APEX

I like to share my approach on capturing additional information if all attribute columns (flexfields) on a table have been used up.

This implementation does not require altering any existing table(s) instead it gives administrators and/or superusers the ability to dynamically manage additional information capture within the application.

Below are steps taken:

  1. Create tables FLEXFIELD_REGISTRY (This stores the flexfields setup data) and FLEXFIELD_VALUES (This stores the values captured on flexfields)
   2. Create an interactive grid to manage flexfield setups

  3. Create additional information form

Application Demo Link: Flexfield Feature Demo
Credentials: demo/demo1234$


  1. Could you please share the application source.

    I am working on the similar functionality to adapt the Flexfields.

    It will be very helpful for me.

    Thanks in Advance


    1. Hi Ashok,

      Please follow the link:

  2. When I create the additional information form, the fields are not displayed. Might you help me?

    1. Hi David,

      Please share your email id.

      I should be able to assist you


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