Some Oracle APEX customers prefer to view embedded PDF documents directly within a page in their application rather than having to download.
My current case study allows users to upload a .pdf document, save directly to a file location (rather than a DB Column) and view same embedded on the current page as shown above.
Steps taken:
1. Identify the physical location of the #IMAGE_PREFIX# (/i/), in my case it is/u01/userhome/oracle/apex/images
2. Create a folder called 'docs' in the directory logged in as user SYS
3. Create a database directory called MY_DOCS
5. Create a PL/SQL Page Process to be fired after user clicks on the save button
Header Text - < div style="overflow: auto; height: 700px;" >
Footer Text - < /div >
My current case study allows users to upload a .pdf document, save directly to a file location (rather than a DB Column) and view same embedded on the current page as shown above.
Steps taken:
1. Identify the physical location of the #IMAGE_PREFIX# (/i/), in my case it is/u01/userhome/oracle/apex/images
2. Create a folder called 'docs' in the directory logged in as user SYS
$ cd /u01/userhome/oracle/apex/images $ mkdir docs
3. Create a database directory called MY_DOCS
create or replace directory MY_DOCS as '/u01/userhome/oracle/apex/images/docs'; Directory MY_DOCS created. grant read,write on directory MY_DOCS to {WORKSPACE_SCHEMA}; Grant succeeded.4. Create a page within your application with following create page items PXX_FIRST_NAME (Textfield), PXX_LAST_NAME (Textfield), PXX_UPLOAD_DOC (File Browse), PXX_FILENAME (Hidden) and a 'Save' Button for submission
declare l_file utl_file.file_type; l_buffer raw(32000); l_amount binary_integer := 32000; l_pos integer := 1; l_blob blob; l_blob_left number; l_blob_length number; l_file_name varchar2(50); l_directory varchar2(50):='MY_DOCS'; l_seq number; begin APEX_COLLECTION.CREATE_OR_TRUNCATE_COLLECTION( p_collection_name => 'INFO'); select blob_content,filename,filename into l_blob,l_file_name,:P100_FILENAME from apex_application_temp_files; l_seq := APEX_COLLECTION.ADD_MEMBER( p_collection_name => 'INFO', p_c001 => :P100_FIRST_NAME, p_c002 => :P100_LAST_NAME, p_c003 => l_file_name, p_blob001 => l_blob ); l_blob_length := dbms_lob.getlength(l_blob); l_blob_left := l_blob_length; l_file := utl_file.fopen(l_directory,l_file_name,'WB', 32760); if l_blob_length < 32760 then utl_file.put_raw(l_file,l_blob); utl_file.fflush(l_file); else l_pos := 1; while l_pos < l_blob_length loop,l_amount,l_pos,l_buffer); utl_file.put_raw(l_file,l_buffer); utl_file.fflush(l_file); -- set the start position for the next cut l_pos := l_pos + l_amount; -- set the end position if less than 32000 bytes l_blob_left := l_blob_left - l_amount; if l_blob_left < 32000 then l_amount := l_blob_left; end if; end loop; end if; utl_file.fclose(l_file); exception when others then -- close the file if something goes wrong. if utl_file.is_open(l_file) then utl_file.fclose(l_file); end if; raise; end;6. On the 'Uploaded Document' static content region add below to the source
< embed height="800%" src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#docs/&P100_FILENAME." type="application/pdf" width="100%" > < /embed >< /span >
Header Text - < div style="overflow: auto; height: 700px;" >
Footer Text - < /div >
7. Ensure 'After Processing' redirects to the current page
I hope someone out there finds this helpful!
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